With changes to cash deposits as part of the Tenant Fees Ban, the way deposits are handled both before and during tenancies has changed.
With changes to cash deposits as part of the Tenant Fees Ban, the way deposits are handled both before and during tenancies has changed.
As a landlord you know you're responsible for providing your tenant with a safe and fit place to live. Something which can crop up which you may not consider is controlling pests.
Screening of tenants is one of the most effective ways to increase profitability by saving you time and money. The pre-viewing screening will present you with a shortlist of the best tenants. You can then go ahead and schedule viewings.
From 1st June, on existing tenancies that are renewed, landlords will need to return any deposit amount held that exceeds the new 5-week deposit cap. We have partnered with Zero Deposit to bring landlords a smarter deposit solution.
Rent is a common cause of disputes between landlords and tenants. What's the best way to collect the rent? How can you make the whole process easier? And what can you do if the tenant falls into arrears?
The Tenant Fees Ban have come into force on 1st June 2019. The Act limits the fees that private landlords and letting agents are allowed to charge tenants. Here are some FAQs regarding the Tenant Fees Act based on various scenarios.
Serving proper notices is important when it comes to staying compliant and protecting yourself from any miscommunications. Here are 7 kinds of notices landlords should know.
When this happens, it puts you as a landlord in a difficult position. What are the ramifications for both you and your tenant if your tenant is subletting your property?
Although no two tenancies are exactly the same, here are our top 7 suggestions for clauses you must include in your tenancy agreement. All clauses must be fair and reasonable. And don't forget the tenant fee ban prohibits you including certain charges.
Furniture can have a big impact when you're looking to attract tenants. Let's have a look at how furnishings can help to increase your ROI.
A Croydon-based software company, Caridon Landlord Solutions, says payment times will be reduced from three weeks to two days with the launch of their new online system later this year, developed alongside the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).
Research out today (Thursday, June 6th) from online mortgage broker reveals the cost of the majority of fixed rate buy-to-let mortgages look to have begun a drift upwards.