In this blog, we’ll outline the current EPC requirements, what could change, and explore how landlords can keep on top of energy improvement costs.
In this blog, we’ll outline the current EPC requirements, what could change, and explore how landlords can keep on top of energy improvement costs.
2023 marks a huge stride towards tackling anti-social behaviour, as the government unveils an action plan to support landlords in combatting this issue. Read the article to learn more about how they're doing it!
Section 24 of the Tenant Tax Reform has created a wave of uncertainty for both landlords and tenants in Britain. Since its implementation, many consequences have been observed such as rent increases due to restrictions placed on mortgage tax relief being one example. This blog explores these impacts and supports the petition to reinstate tax relief allowing mortgage interest to be set against rental income.
A guide to steps landlords must take following the updated How to rent guide from Make Ur Move online letting and property management platform.
Right to rent checks have been a legal obligation since 2016, however, during Covid-19 the rules changed and were subsequently revoked in October 2022. Read our blog today to see what’s changed and how you can stay compliant.
New regulations on smoke and carbon monoxide alarms will be coming into force soon. To learn about what's changing and how you can stay compliant read our blog today.
Make Ur Move, the online letting and property management portal, discusses making tax digital and what landlords will need to prepare
A guide for landlords to manage rent and arrears by Make Ur Move, the online letting and property management platform.
Do you need to serve a Section 21 notice? Make sure you get it right and check the upcoming changes to notice period and rules of service with the Make Ur Move Eviction Ban Update Blog
Breathing Space Regulations come into force on 4th May 2021. This guide has been put together by Make Ur Move online letting platform to help landlords understand what they mean and how to prepare.
A guide to setting up a tenancy agreement for landlords and tenants. What should you include and what should not be in there. Brought to you by Make Ur Move Letting and Property Management Platform.
A guide explaining what a tenancy deposit scheme is, how they work and how their dispute resolution services can help private landlords and tenants.