It’s been 15 years since we launched MakeUrMove. Our mission was and still is to help landlords find quality tenants more effectively than ever before. Join us as we take a look back.
It’s been 15 years since we launched MakeUrMove. Our mission was and still is to help landlords find quality tenants more effectively than ever before. Join us as we take a look back.
New regulations on smoke and carbon monoxide alarms will be coming into force soon. To learn about what's changing and how you can stay compliant read our blog today.
The 2022 Queen’s Speech has confirmed the government's commitment to the renters reform bill, alongside the plans to abolish section 21. In this blog, we’ll be summarising the current legislation, what’s set to change, and how these changes could affect landlords like you across the country.
Online letting and property management platform, Make Ur Move take a look at what levelling up means to landlords and tenants in England.
Make Ur Move online letting and property management platform achieves recognition in the PropTech 50 list whilst MD, Alexandra Morris is shortlisted in the Forward Ladies National Awards.
Here’s how tenants’ requirements for rental properties have changed and some tips for landlords on making their home as attractive as possible to tenants.
Like the entire UK population, 2020 has brought mixed fortunes for tenants and landlords across the country.
While some tenants have continued to work or b...
We are delighted to share that we have been awarded GOLD by The ESTAS (The Estate Agent of the Year Awards) for Best Online Letting Agent 2020 in their 17th annu...
Everyone is doing their best to weather the coronavirus storm but it’s fair to say we’re not all in the same boat.
While som...
The housing market in England is set to reopen today following a tweak to the law which relaxed the non-essential travel rule under Covid restrictions. We have produced a guide to explain what this means for the letting market and will update this as more information becomes clear.