By taking care of your gas appliances properly you are taking care of your home and your loved ones. Follow these few simple checks to keep you and your family safe.

As a private landlord, it's your responsibility to ensure your property is safe. That it's in good repair and fit to live in. If the property is damaged or in need of repair it's you and not the tenant who must carry out the repairs. Whether it's fixing a sink or something far more serious like fire damage.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on the 25th May 2018. GDPR represents a new standard by which businesses - including landlords - need to deal with personal information about tenants.

Let's answer the question straight away. No, there is no legal obligation (at the moment) for private landlords to carry out PAT testing on electrical appliances in their properties. However, like many things what is compulsory and what is best practice is a little different.

A tenancy guarantor guarantees rent payments and other tenancy obligations that make up the tenancy agreement. Legally, tenancy guarantors are said to stand surety. Whilst a guarantor must be at least 18, they can come from any walk of life and can have different relationships with a tenant.