More than one third of UK landlords will be raising rents this year, with almost a quarter (24%) planning inflation-busting rent increases of more than 3%.
The claim comes from a survey carried out by flat and house share website and is in contrast to one released by Rightmove and which was quoted in the House of Commons.
Rightmove said that only one in four landlords are planning to raise rents this year, with most planning a price freeze. However, the SpareRoom survey is closer to the results of an LSL poll, which found that four in ten landlords are planning to hike rents this year.
The SpareRoom survey says that this year’s rent rises will be on top of a 6% increase in the last quarter of last year, taking the average UK rent for a double room in shared accommodation, including bills, to £112 per week.
SpareRoom also polled tenants and found that almost half (46%) are worried about the impact that possible rent rises will have on their living costs. A third (33%) have already prepared themselves for rent hikes and fully expect their landlords to increase their rents by more than 3%.
SpareRoom polled 1,362 landlords and tenants last month.