Choose Tenant Find by the end of December and get Tenancy Documents and Deposit Registration FREE.
Advertise your property on the major property portals for up to 60 days. For ONLY £49:
You can advertise on Rightmove, Zoopla, Primelocation and MakeUrMove to find tenants fast.
- Use our online viewing diary to control your availability and viewings.
- We will pre-screen tenants based on your requirements so you don't have to.
- You will receive tenant enquiries via text so you will never miss a viewing.
- You can manage offer negotiation and acceptance online to make informed decisions.
- We will reference tenants, with no cost to you, so you can rest assured your tenants are legitimate.
As a festive treat, if you choose this offer before the end of December we will also:
- Arrange tenancy paperwork so you can be confident you are contractually covered.
- Collect and lodge the deposit so you don't have to worry about chasing and handling deposits.
Click here to benefit from this festive Tenant Find offer today.